The blockchain innovation has additionally gotten into the transportation segment, by offering a decentralized transportation arrangement on the RedCab stage. What’s to come is certainly here as no industry needs to be deserted, as all need to exploit the headways the innovation can offer.
There’s no denying that the Blockchain innovation is altering the way individuals work together, and the matter of moving individuals from indicate A point to B is no special case. Redcab LLC.; a cutting edge organization in the distributed transportation space is positively getting on that blockchain prepare to scale it’s tasks all around and to offer the world an imaginative arrangement in the shared transportation domain.
By changing the activities demonstrate from the right now utilized incorporated model into a total decentralized model; RedCab has colossal potential in rivaling the huge subsidized players in the associate 2-peer transportation space. By fortifying neighborhood tasks and scaling all inclusive, offering a straightforward and less expensive plan of action to clients, yet help profit for drivers, keeping up a network upheld administration display on quality, security, and client encounter; it is an easy decision that time will be the main test amongst Redcab and piece of the overall industry.
RedCab was built up to guarantee it offers a consistent distributed transportation arrangement. An answer that people and business can appreciate and abuse because of the decentralized framework that has been successfully offered on the blockchain innovation. In any case, this isn’t all; the organization was built up to make an answer, as well as composed a token that their clients might utilize.
RedCab LLC. The organization was established to offer a consistent shared transport answer for people and organizations through the decentralization of the whole procedure utilizing blockchain innovation. The REDC token will be utilized as an utility token for ordinary exchanges that make a huge interest for limited confined stocks. Organizations that have existed since 2016 with genuine field activities. Conveying worldwide imaginative arrangements through Blockchain to existing business sector needs with yearly request of $ 230 Billion.
Numerous new companies have been ascending in the market as of late to illuminate the transportation issue. The greater part of them are effective as a business, yet none of them have prevailing without a social inadvertent blow-back.
Regardless of the way that innovation has crossed over any barrier for transportation needs and has effectively tackled a few issues in the previous 10 years, this left us with numerous copycat plans of action with no emphasis or advancement. Clients are scanning for a stylish administration, as well as searching for a genuine dependable administration with maintainable quality and wellbeing, that offers all transportation alternatives and administrations with a low aggressive cost, and on the grounds that clients hate to be manhandled; so on a blustery day, or multi day with substantial activity; “high rates” toll is certainly not a decent move.
RedCab is a decentralizing the transportation answer for people by using Blockchain advances for cost-productive and secure exchanges. Then again, sparing billions of dollars from transportation commission to be compensated back to the biological system guaranteeing manageability and business progression through bleeding edge innovation, execution administration and client devotion. Our plan of action is intended to guarantee smooth market infiltration through lean and solid procedures, and our scoring and reward program guarantees steadfast and profitable network. With the variety in toll estimation starting with one nation then onto the next and even starting with one city then onto the next, RedCab LLC has figured out how to keep the instrument adaptable to revise the best evaluating equation without flood cost or surprising expense passage in occasions or terrible climate.
The RedCab LLC group has seen an unmistakable open door in the transportation business for its extraordinary plan of action to adjust business destinations and client needs, supported by a solid specialized stage.
Blockchain innovation is viewed as the foundation of this plan of action from giving secure exchanges and speedy contracts; it splendidly mixes with our plan of action to convey a universe of decentralized oversaw and oversaw transport answers for individuals who are prepared to serve people and bolster the business.

The stage has been composed with alluring highlights to guarantee they furnish their financial specialists with more than the partners in the market. A portion of the highlights you could pay special mind to, or rather, anticipate are as per the following:
Broad Research: The organization has done broad one-year explore on the vehicle business. The possibilities the market can offer, encounters and the advancements that are accessible. It is all to guarantee they are on top of things when they get in.
The Best Returns: From the broad research did the organization could define a business methodology that will offer the best comes back to its financial specialists and drivers. Be that as it may, this isn’t all as clients will likewise be appreciating the most reduced rate in the market, a win-win for all.
Understanding The Market: The examination the organization completed encouraged in completely seeing how the market works, to guarantee there is only accomplishment on the stage. Therefore, the organization can assemble one network from the distinctive markets accessible while at the same time as yet grasping the decent variety that exists between individuals.
The Best Technology: The organization has put resources into the best innovation the market can offer, as they are building up a stage that is settled on the strong eye without bounds. Along these lines, they can acquaint propelled innovations with the transportation division, to guarantee they are improving the client encounter. Accordingly, supporting the organization to accomplish preferable business comes about over ever previously.


- 29% Product Development
- 41% Marketing, Acquisitions and Partnerships
- 13% Management & Advisory board
- 11% Admin and Operations
- 6% Legal

- 9% Team and Founders
- 3% Advisors
- 1% Bounty
- 7% Private Sale
- 15% Presale
- 25% Reserved for Proof-Of-Driving & Proof-of-Marketing token generation.
- 40% Crowd-sale
Redcab is committed to a transparent token sale process. We will notify the public with the final total amount of REDC tokens in circulation after the completion of the Token Sale because tokens are minted as contributors buy it. This is to maximize the value of tokens sold, scarce the supply, and create a value for token holders once we’re listed on major exchanges. RedCab will not create any new REDC tokens after the Token Sale.
Redcab is committed to a transparent token sale process. We will notify the public with the final total amount of REDC tokens in circulation after the completion of the Token Sale because tokens are minted as contributors buy it. This is to maximize the value of tokens sold, scarce the supply, and create a value for token holders once we’re listed on major exchanges. RedCab will not create any new REDC tokens after the Token Sale.
Max Tokens Supply 100,000,000
- Pre-Sale: Starts 01 June 2018 at 12:00 AM GMT and ends on 21 June 2018 at 11:59 PM GMT with early bird investors getting a 15% Bonus till allocated amount is sold out or phase ends.
- Main Crowd-Sale Start Date: 22 June at 12:00 AM GMT and ends on 15 August 2018 at 11:59 PM GMT.
- Accepted Currency for Token Sale: Ethereum
- Token Name: REDC
- Token Type: ERC20
- Exchange: 1 ETH = 2333 REDC
- Hard Cap: 24529 ETH
- Min Purchase: 0.1 ETH = 233 REDC
- What Exchanges will REDC be listed on? REDC will be listed on exchanges that are regulated and have proof of reserves, including the Korean, Japanese and other globally recognized major exchanges.




Really the blockchain innovation has affected different ventures, and the transportation part has not been deserted. With the utilization of the innovative progressions that have occurred in the blockchain, we are certain this organization can convey what it guarantees. Not overlooking the serious research and frameworks that have been set up, the stage without a doubt demonstrates promising.
- WEBSITE : https://redcab.io/
- WHITEPAPER : https://redcab.io/downloads/Whitepaper_EN_v1.0.pdf
- TWITTER : https://twitter.com/redcab_llc
- FACEBOOK : https://facebook.com/redcabeg
- TELEGRAM : https://t.me/redcab_ICO
- LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/redcab
- MEDIUM : https://medium.com/redcab
- REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/u/Redcab_io