Now blockchain has penetrated the world of bonds, proven by new breakthroughs made by TWOGAP. With the discovery of cryptograms, the financial system will change for the first time in 4000 years and will have global consequences. Crypto Bonds will eliminate “intermediaries” from traditional bonds. This allows buyers (and companies) to receive bonds directly from the company itself, and not through a bank that is not too different from the original coin offer (ICO). This smart bond can also be traded on the exchange. Smart contracts allow you to program smart ties. Imagine, the system works alone without anyone’s participation.
At the crypto market today, many crypto investors lose their money, they even lose everything when the tokens they invest disappear in the crypto trade exchange.

Due to growing doubts about the crypto market, investors are now likely to leave, and new investors do not want to risk the crypto market. This has led to the fact that crypto’s global market has the potential to experience a long-term fall.
“The TwoGap platform was formed to give Crypto Investors the opportunity to obtain the strongest and biggest stop-loss product — CryptoBond.”
In Russia, there is the first state-owned company (Sberbank CIB), which uses blockchain technology to buy commercial bonds. MTS places bonds with an annual coupon of 6.8% and maturity of 6 months, with a value of around 12 million. US, as a result of any changes that are immune and transparent. At present, Russia is trying to regulate the crypto currency.
The bond market is around $ 100 trillion. Every day it trades around $ 700 billion. For comparison, only $ 200 billion is traded for shares. This is a good sign that blockchain technology will work on traditional finance. A good and revolutionary breakthrough, but challenging because the global community must be aware of the progress of this technology.
How Does Twogap Work?
Feature One: ODAeyes — Manage and track ODA flow when handling — maximizing transparency, rejecting corruption, and increasing efficiency in using capital.
The second feature: Cryptobond — issues of bonds, guarantees, transaction processing, sale and purchase of bonds — government bonds and third world companies accept a direct approach to the world capital.
Crypto Investor organizations and individuals have more direct investment channels in bonds that are valued by the ratings and bonds of developing and underdeveloped country governments in third world countries.
The principle of investing is not to put all eggs in a basket, so investing in hedges with an average risk is lower than cryptoresource, and higher than business ties and government from the first world. Segments that attract investors’ attention, business bonds and third world government interest rates will be higher than the first world.
Bond market volume is twice as high as in the stock market. Thus, the potential attraction of the Twogap platform is huge, in other words, this is an opportunity for crypto-investors from organizations and individuals to learn and manage this project.
It is expected that with widespread technological advancements, we will not ignore the responsibility of society for the development of humanity as a whole. However, let’s take part in creating a better life for everyone and for ourselves.