Becoming acquainted with RepuX
is a particular convention level framework that utilizations piece tie
innovation to methodize a suitable dile between settled information in
various sorts, diverse institutional structures and individual clients,
and to alter them when essential. The most effective element of the
repux convention is to consolidate diverse decentralized square chain
advancements, for example, Sia, Ethereum, Eos, and so forth to give its
clients an abnormal state piece creation benefit. By fundamentally
making the stream of information and data between these frameworks
simple and plausible, application creators who make and utilize these
information give information partaking in a current market condition.
Our convention does not require any delegates during the time spent
exchanging these information, it expels the mediators from the
administration of more than one segment client, subsequently extending
the restricted potential outcomes of information makers and achieving
gigantic sums.
The RepuX convention of information makers will increase impressive incentive in such manner.

RepuX Protocol System Processing
the advancement of our convention, it will be prepared to construct
computerized reasoning in light of extensive scale information. Each
substance and information in the framework can be assessed for the
Oracle framework to guarantee convention honesty with the goal that
information clients can be guaranteed of the substance and nature of the
information they are buying.
RepuX Vision and Goals
RepuX, we have the vision to expand the notoriety of information
security and its notoriety. Conveying another breath to information
exchange terms and frameworks by making a protected convention between
the individuals who produce, gather, and utilize information; this is to
give a huge profit for your business. On account of the convention we
have made, information makers can without much of a stretch access these
information to end clients and application clients on account of RepuX
will likewise make RepuX Tokens, which can be utilized as an apparatus
amid different exchanges in different businesses, and can be utilized
for the buy or substitution of items and administrations. As the
notoriety and utilization of the RepuX convention builds, the coin
esteems will likewise increment and we will increase the value of
RepuX Problem-Solving Analysis
is: Companies that arrangement with cutting edge advances store a lot
of information in their frameworks, and they encounter a few issues in
the utilization and exchange forms. These issues cause genuine loss of
time and cash to organizations.
With RepuX convention, information trade between different
organizations and clients can be effectively accomplished and cash is
left in your pocket. By joining different decentralized innovations
under a solitary convention, an effective and lossless piece affix can
be brought together to make an impeccable information sharing and
exchange advertise.
account of the repuX convention, every element and each post-exchange
notoriety esteem is given on the off chance that it is asked for and
confirmed by the prophet framework. This approval convention guarantees
our trustworthiness and those engaged with the framework will guarantee
the nature of the information.
RepuX Provides Value to Your Data …
get more itemized data identified with the specialized data of the
task; you can get to the undertaking specialized record from the
connection beneath.
RepuX Technical Dokuman (White Paper)

RepuX Mobile Application Interface
few pictures from our versatile application, which has an advantageous
and simple to-utilize interface that clients can go anyplace they need.
Furthermore, you can likewise get visual rundown data identified with
the accompanying video venture.
RepuX Token Sales
coin offers of this incredible descendants will be acknowledged in two
phases as pre-deals and primary deals as said beneath. A sum of
500,000,000 REPUX Tokens are accessible.
Pre-Sale: From November 17, 2017 until January 23, 2018.
Primary Sale: From February 6, 2018 to March 9, 2018.
is presently continuous. You can win a half reward on tokens got from
preparatory deals. Keep in mind, just 100 million RepuX Tokens have been
sold in the pre-deals stage.

The coin conveyance of the venture will be as per the following.
20% It will be sold amid pre-deal.
30% It will be sold amid the fundamental deal.
10% Reserved for the prize pool.
23% will be sold on the stage.
12% Developer will be group share.
3% Consultants
2% coin deals process grant crusades
40% of all income created will be utilized to enhance the projem, 25%
for promoting, 20% for associations and 15% for operational exchanges.
put resources into your future and collaborate with this undertaking,
you can take an interest in the offer of coins from the connection as an
afterthought. RepuX Token Sales
Repux Member Support Program (Affiliate Program)
approach to gain from Repux Tokens is to incorporate this program. On
the off chance that you are included with the program, pennants,
standards, joins, messages; to put it plainly, you can win each repuX
tokens that have joined your venture with your undertaking.
You can tap the connection beneath to join the program with 5% commission rate. RepuX Member Support
our accomplished and entrepreneurial group who has a long time of
involvement, it won’t be difficult to get the achievement of our
venture. You can utilize the connection beneath to get itemized data
about the professions of our staff and advisors.
RepuX Team

group is as liberal as an effective group. We saved 2% of all income
gathered amid our coin deals for remunerate crusades. Every single
winning prize will be paid inside 30 days after the finish of the
primary coin deal. A financial plan of $ 700,000 is saved for prize
battles as it were. The program will last until the finish of the coin
5% Twitter Award Campaign
5% Award Reward Campaign
35% Bitcointalk Signature Campaign
15% Translation and Management Award Campaign
30% Content Creation Campaign (Blog, Article, Video)
2.5% Youtube Reward Campaign
2.5% Telegram Award Campaign
2.5% Cryptocompare Award Campaign
Saved for 2.5% Bonus Award Campaigns.
All participants who wish to take part in the honor crusade must go to message channels.
Repux Telegram Channel
Repux Award Campaign Telegram Channel
Bitcointalk Reward will have the capacity to get to the points of
interest of the crusade from our title, and you will have the capacity
to get your offer of the prize pool from this broad prize pool.
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