HighRewardCoin is a money related framework based on the Ethereum stage joining all the best properties of this stage. we keep on improving our bot capacity to evade numerous slip-ups by people amid exchanging on the worldwide trade. People regularly convey feelings, inclinations and other outside elements. our organization’s bot exchange is free from such dangers and in this manner we can ensure most extreme benefit. We put critical assets into the advancement of center systems so our bots will have the capacity to expand the range of exchanged instruments and work with a more extensive scope of trades and budgetary items
Focal points
Basic exchange
settlement helpful resources
Quick P2P exchanges in a flash
The aggregate number of tokens is confined
HighRewardCoin is totally free of government or keeping money administration
The blockchain booklet ensures your assets from programmers, tricksters, and savagery.

Coin name: High Reward Coin
Image: HRC
Stage: Ethereum
Add up to Supply: 12,000,000 HRC
Add up to For Sale ICO: 9.24 million HRC
Add up to Refferal and Bounty: 10% of seling HRC
Token Sale Price: 0.8 $ — 1,75 $ = 1 HRC
Cost After ICO: 15 $
Offer Token will open from 20.01.2018–20.02.2018
soft cap : 1,000,000 $
hard cap: $ 12.730.000 (this sum can be brought down)

that is with referral framework where every member will get benefit as per the level.
HighRewardTalk token exchanging coins will incorporate a wallet where clients can store, track and handle their own HRC reserves. its interface will furnish you with a simple and mechanized apparatus for acquiring token and build-up venture and also current resources. This wallet is intended for use in token deals and with the accompanying dynamic HRC spaces. It depends on the Ethereum key ERC20 convention and is thought to be utilized to store the token HRC only. our HRC wallets are right now being worked on and will be introduced in the blink of an eye with the goal that you will have the capacity to store your tokens in the wallet in view of our exclusive stage.
Sort TOKEN ($ HRC)
HighRewardCoin has built up a token that agrees to the standard ERC20 established in Ethereum books and empowers effective execution of HRC tokens.
ERC20 is a reference convention that guarantees the similarity of coins, which adds to the survival of HRC cryptospace. This implies all coins in light of the ERC20 token of Ethereum take after an entirely characterized standard. to incorporate a particular arrangement of orders into savvy contracts as far as appropriate usage, to approach the accompanying capacities:
Create add up to hold of coins
Figure the adjust of the wallet
Sending token
Affirm coin exchange
The HighRewardCoin stage will wind up plainly available to our clients after starting planned ICO deals. This stage will furnish our clients with unique records and modified apparatuses to take an interest in ICO, use advanced wallets, join associate projects and credits. Track ICO calendars and join to extricate greatest advantages from our stage and affirm for the productivity and helpfulness of the apparatuses gave, settings and alternatives.
Right now we have a prepared stage PC and cell phone web program and plan the dispatch of versatile applications for the most famous frameworks that will be accessible on Apple Store and Google Play.
Dissemination TOKEN
The measure of tokens you purchase will be consequently conveyed to the wallet on the HighRewardCoin stage, and the same applies to coins allotted to individuals from the partner program when orders are endorsed. The coins are kept in the wallet until settled ICO, and a short time later you can decide to sending them to one of the trades recorded on our site where they can be exchanged.
Site: http://www.highrewardcoin.io/
White paper: https://highrewardcoin.io/HRC%20whitepaper%20en.pdf
MY BTT PROFILE : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1510026
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