OTPPAY is an “omni token stage for installments”, the blockchain controlled wallet (Buy | Sell | Exchange and pay). OTPPAY will be the world’s biggest stage in which all major crypto resources can be purchased, exchanged and even make installments to the shippers at low charges in a split second or escrow based. The paint of crypto to fiat transformation by the dealer is crossed over.
Indeed, trough our inventive computerized reasoning and machine learning based request/exchange coordinating motors will change over any cryptographic money to OTPPAY token and OTTPAY to fiat cash without a moment to spare.
OTPPAY is an extraordinary installment stage, which will clear an approach to utilize their most loved digital money so as to pay the sellers/traders immediately. We furnish sellers with the wellbeing and accommodation of accepting finds in fiat cash.

This can likewise prompt the difference in essential installment strategy or alternatives from any digital forms of money to OTPPAY tokens or fiat cash in a split second, along these lines by shielding them from cryptographic money advertise instability. Our OTTPAY security framework will be planned with the mix of customary fiat cash security gauges and most recent blockchain innovation.
We will go about as the impetus to empower the in the nick of time cross-fringe internet business and business exchanges which decrease the reliance of forex mediums. Our answer will disturb the Forex/cross-fringe monetary market in a split second. Our API’s will associate with the worldwide eKYC interfaces and hyper record to evade the counter social exchanges. Our inescapability information mining foundation will help us to manufacture the exclusive negative database of suspicious exchanges and square them in future in this way by sparing crypto-diggers time and cash.
Sooner rather than later, our AL-fueled shrewd motors will be utilized to outline Crypto Credit Rating (CCR) framework, by which shippers and clients will be profited from the OTPPAY loan highlights.

OTPPAY can be brought into advertise through the embed of our specialists with the accompanying techniques for portable tech, computerized installments, back , crypto markets, UX and business universes. Together we’ll actuated involvement in different dares to make the venture supersonic. Here are some reserve assignment and procedures.
here are the dispersed talk graph for OTTPAY


if it’s not too much trouble visit the whitepaper to peruse more about the brilliant and promisable venture.
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