We know that smoking is not a healthy habit that can be continued. Even so, smokers must often have difficulty stopping smoking this one because they are already addicted.
If you are one of the smokers who want to break this habit and are ready to start a healthier life, you can follow a number of ways to stop smoking which have been summarized by the following OhGitu.
Terrible Dangers of Smoking
Before entering the subject of discussion about how to stop smoking, you should first understand the dangers of smoking that threaten you. That way you will be more aware of the importance of your body than the taste of opium from cigarettes.
Reporting from the American Heart Association, smoking activity can increase the risk of death from heart attacks 25% to 30% higher than those who do not smoke both active and passive.
Cigarettes contain 6000 chemicals and 70 of them can cause cancer. At least 480,000 Americans die each year from heart disease and lung cancer that arise from smoking.
Not to mention other hazards that will emerge besides health, namely financial problems due to the high cost of treatment from various diseases.
By stopping smoking you will avoid the disease with a lower risk. Reporting from CDC.gov, after 2 to 5 years, those who quit smoking can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and stroke drastically.
Facts and Myths About Smoking Habits
Not everything you hear about smoking is true and some of it is just a myth, as mentioned below.
Myth: Nothing will happen after stopping smoking habits that have been going on for years.
Fact: Smoking can reduce life expectancy for 14 years and if you stop smoking, you can live four to five years longer especially after age 35.
Myth: Weight gain will increase if you stop smoking.
Fact: If you change smoking habits by overeating, your weight will increase. By consuming healthy food and exercising regularly, you can maintain weight even if you stop smoking.
Myth: Cigarettes only cause lung cancer.
Fact: Cigarettes contain thousands of chemical compounds that not only cause lung cancer but also increase the risk of heart disease, respiratory tract and other types of cancer such as throat cancer and oral cancer.
Myth: Sucking on one stick or a few cigarettes every day won’t be a problem if done.
Fact: Smoking, whatever the amount can cause disruption and health problems if not stopped immediately.
Myth: Chewing tobacco directly will not cause harm like cigarettes.
Fact: Tobacco chewing will produce the same effect as cigarette smoking activities and even the risk of developing oral cancer is greater if tobacco is chewed directly.
10 ways to stop smoking by eating natural foods
To stop smoking, you can try to consume the following foods that have been proven to be effective in helping to stop smoking.
1. Milk
According to research conducted by scientists from Duke University, drinking milk before smoking can make cigarettes feel strange and unpleasant when smoked.
According to research conducted by scientists from Duke University, drinking milk before smoking can make cigarettes feel strange and unpleasant when smoked.
If you really want to smoke, try to drink milk before smoking or dip it in milk and let it dry. After that, you will definitely feel a strange taste in your cigarette and reduce the desire to smoke.
2. Ginseng
Ginseng is also one of the plants that can help stop smoking. The active compounds contained in ginseng are able to inhibit the production of neurotransmitter compounds in the brain, namely dopamine, which is known as a compound that gives pleasure and comfort when smoking.
Ginseng is also one of the plants that can help stop smoking. The active compounds contained in ginseng are able to inhibit the production of neurotransmitter compounds in the brain, namely dopamine, which is known as a compound that gives pleasure and comfort when smoking.
Consuming tea or ginseng supplements regularly can make you feel unhappy when you smoke and eventually you will stop by yourself.
3. Ginger
Ginger does have many benefits for the body including helping to control the reactions that arise in the body when stopping smoking, especially reducing nausea caused in the stomach.
Ginger does have many benefits for the body including helping to control the reactions that arise in the body when stopping smoking, especially reducing nausea caused in the stomach.
Ginger has long been known since 2000 as an herbal medicine to overcome nausea or nausea. The rhizome that has a spicy taste contains at least dozens of active compounds that can soothe digestion.
Taking ginger supplements or ginger tea will be very helpful especially if you feel nauseous or dizzy after stopping smoking.
4. Herbal Tea
Drinking and inhaling the aroma of tea can relax your body and mind so that you can indirectly forget nicotine opium in your body.
Drinking and inhaling the aroma of tea can relax your body and mind so that you can indirectly forget nicotine opium in your body.
The type of tea that is known to be effective in reducing the desire to smoke is chamomile tea, while green tea and jasmine tea can reduce anxiety, depression, headaches and discomfort that arise when someone stops smoking.
Antioxidants in tea are also able to ward off free radicals produced by cigarettes and settle in the body.
5. Oat extract
A study reports that consuming 1 milligram of oat extract or Avena Sativa plants four times a day can help reduce the effects of nicotine addiction and reduce the number of cigarettes smoked every day. You can try to find supplements that contain oat extract at the nearest pharmacy or health shop.

6. Chewing gum
Chewing gum is not only effective in maintaining healthy teeth and mouth but is also beneficial for diverting attention and reducing the desire to smoke cigarettes.
Chewing gum is not only effective in maintaining healthy teeth and mouth but is also beneficial for diverting attention and reducing the desire to smoke cigarettes.
In other words, chewing gum will keep your mouth busy so that the desire to smoke cigarettes can be suppressed. Choose the type of gum that is sugar free so that the sugar content in candy does not cause other oral problems such as bad breath and gum inflammation.
7. Grape juice
In addition to consuming lots of water, drinking fruit juice such as grape juice that contains acid also can accelerate the release of toxins or toxins from the body including nicotine contained in cigarettes.
In addition to consuming lots of water, drinking fruit juice such as grape juice that contains acid also can accelerate the release of toxins or toxins from the body including nicotine contained in cigarettes.
Antioxidants contained in grape juice such as resveratrol are also able to counteract the effects of free radicals caused by smoke and other chemical compounds contained in cigarettes. Eat grape juice every day, especially when you feel very eager to suck a cigarette.
8. Nuts
Changing smoking habits by snacking on nuts such as almonds, peanuts, walnuts or other types of beans not only helps you reduce nicotine addiction but also gives your body the nutritional intake needed to maintain heart health. When you want to smoke, consume a handful of nuts and relax for a moment so that the desire to smoke disappears by itself.

9. Oranges
Some types of fruits such as oranges or lemons contain high levels of vitamin C. Smoking and nicotine activity that enters the body can make the body lose and lack of vitamin C, therefore the consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C such as oranges can help supplement vitamins lost due to smoking.
Vitamin C itself is known as one of the factors that trigger the activity of the immune system that functions to ward off germs and free radicals.

10. Vegetable stems
Some types of vegetables that are hard enough such as carrots, cucumbers and celery stalks and are similar to cigarettes can be used to deceive your brain, especially when the desire to smoke cigarettes begins to emerge by sucking it like when you smoke cigarettes.

Like milk, consuming these vegetables before smoking will also make cigarettes feel bad so you will not feel comfortable lingering for a long time.
15 Ways to Stop Smoking By Changing Habits
Besides using food that can help stop smoking, you also have to change your habits. Without strong commitment and motivation, intention is only an intention without real results. Here are the steps you can do to stop smoking.
Besides using food that can help stop smoking, you also have to change your habits. Without strong commitment and motivation, intention is only an intention without real results. Here are the steps you can do to stop smoking.
1. Make a Plan
Before starting to stop smoking, make a plan a week before. It’s good if you also make a list of what you like about cigarettes and what you don’t like.
Write all of these things in a paper and try to put them where they are often seen. You can also write down what advantages and disadvantages of cigarettes you suction both for yourself and for your family.
This method proved to be quite effective and was suggested by Daniel Z. Lieberman, M.D., chair of the Clinical Psychiatric Research Center of George Washington University Medical Center.

2. Write the Reasons for Quitting Smoking
Besides writing down the benefits and losses caused by cigarettes, you can also write down the reasons why you want to stop smoking.
A study reported that every smoker actually wanted to stop the habit but his brain and body who were addicted to tobacco were very difficult to compromise.
Therefore, before stopping the habit of smoking, think about all the effects and motivations behind the desire. Force your brain and body to do other things and forget about the desire to smoke.

3. Stop Buying Cigarettes
If you really want to stop smoking, stop buying cigarettes and store them in the house. You can also give a no-smoking sign or create a no-smoking area in your home or room where you don’t smoke. Most likely if you still buy cigarettes or gather with other smokers, you will be very difficult to stop the habit.

4. Make a List of Substitute Activities for Smoking
Not only motivation, make a list of activities that you can do if you suddenly want to smoke, for example, reading books, playing games, drinking water, eating salads, chatting, exercising and so on.
This activity is actually an attempt to divert the attention of the brain to other things. If suddenly during your office break you really want to smoke cigarettes, you can try to distract yourself by playing games or chatting with your friends. The point is not to keep your cigarettes even if it’s just one near you.

5. Do it when you’re happy
Don’t force yourself to stop smoking when your mood is not calm or in a state of chaos. Stopping when the mood is bad can lead to failure and eventually you will give up trying again.
A study has proven that those who start smoking when they are in good mood are more likely to quit smoking.

6. Get rid of objects related to smoking
Get rid of all the things that remind you of cigarettes such as matches, ashtrays, cigarette packs, pictures of cigarettes or other things that have to do with cigarettes.
If you can tell your friends who are smokers not to smoke in front of you or not offer you cigarettes while chatting together. If there aren’t any items related to cigarettes, then your focus will move on to other things, right?

7. Saving Cigarette Money
A study conducted by Dr. Scott Halpern and his colleagues from the University of Pennsylvania and published in the New England Journal of Medicine report that money is one of the strongest motivations that can make a person quit smoking.
The study involving around 2,538 office employees used a method in which employees who smoked had to pay a number of fines and the results were quite astonishing because more than 90% of them managed to quit smoking because they did not want to pay a fine.
Even though you don’t have to pay such fines when you smoke, try a tube of money used to buy cigarettes every day and see the results in one month or even a year.

8. Consumption of Healthy Snack
Smoking can cause various diseases and increase body weight. Those of you who are trying to lose weight and maintain health must definitely leave cigarettes.
Instead, you can consume snacks or healthy snacks such as sunflower seeds, nuts, sugar-free gum, carrots or vegetables and other fruits. So, when you really want to smoke try to consume other foods.

9. Imagine Playing Tennis
This one method is unique but scientifically proven to reduce the desire to smoke. Researchers from the UK managed to prove that those who were asked to visualize themselves playing tennis tended to refrain from smoking than those who did not.
If you are not sure, try to imagine yourself playing tennis when the desire to smoke begins to emerge.

10. Acupuncture
Ather Ali, N.D., a naturopathic physician, successfully completed his research on acupuncture and completed his doctoral studies at Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, Derby, Connecticut.
His research shows that auricular acupuncture techniques or sticking needles on the back of the ear can reduce tobacco addiction effectively and make a person smoke less often. You can also try this method if you have difficulty quitting smoking in previous ways.

11. Nicotine Substitution Therapy
You can contact your doctor to ask for advice in an attempt to stop smoking. Health experts will usually give advice to help stop smoking habits and also recommend nicotine replacement therapy or nicotine replacement therapy.
In this therapy the doctor will give drugs or chewing gum containing nicotine and non-nicotine drugs such as bupropion (Zyban) and varenicline (Chantix). By consuming these drugs nicotine addiction can be reduced little by little without excessive body reaction.

12. Regular Sports
Routine physical activity such as exercise has been proven to be able to support the process of stopping one’s smoking habit. Exercise has many benefits for the body including blood circulation and reduce the effects of addiction to tobacco or tobacco craving.
Try to run morning every day or if you only spend time in the office, you can also try doing sports in places like pushes, squats, and so on.

13. Consumption of Vitamin Supplements
Some types of vitamins such as vitamins A, B and C can accelerate metabolism in the body and remove toxins in the detoxification process. Of course this also applies to those who are addicted to nicotine. Nicotine itself is known as one of the toxins that are quite difficult to remove from the body.

14. Drink lots of water
Stopping smoking is indeed very difficult because nicotine that enters the bloodstream as a toxin will continue to stick in the body. Water is one substance that can neutralize toxins in the body and throw them out of the body through the urinary tract.
By consuming a lot of water every day, the process of detoxification of blood flow from nicotine will be faster and smoking habits can be reduced gradually by the body naturally.

15. Give a Gift to Yourself
After successfully leaving a cigarette for a long time such as one month, do not hesitate to marry a gift to yourself as a sign of success.
Gift giving is also believed to be one of the most effective ways and motivations for someone who really wants to quit smoking. Also invite your friends or family to dinner or do other things to celebrate.

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